Policies & Procedures
Welcome to IEC Education of Utah!
We are excited to provide you with technical instruction as part of your on-the-job learning. This is not a self-paced class. Assignments and deadlines must be met each week. We expect you to be professional, participate, and always do your best. We want your learning experience to be exciting and informative.
• High School Diploma or G.E.D.
• All first year students must submit documentation of math competency. Examples of documentation are as follows: 1)Demonstrate MATH 1010 placement by scoring 54 or higher on the algebra portion of SLCC’s mathematics college placement test, 58 or better on the COMPASS pre-algebra placement test, or provide a transcript showing a grade of C or higher in a college level math course such as SLCC Math 0990 or equivalent. 2) Complete Math for the Trades with a grade of C or higher. 3) Provide documentation of an ACT score of 19+ or SAT score of 440+. 4) The placement testing requirement may also be waived with proof of certain transfer credits. 5) Recognized math competency submission test from IEC Education. Approved math competency is part of a complete registration. Students will submit math competency information for approval prior to registration.
• All 1B – 4A students must provide a transcript showing proof of passing grade from an accepted training program. Students who have attended another non-IEC curriculum program wishing to meet prerequisites for first, second or third year must submit information about the previous program and may be asked to pass a placement test for each of the years. Any student passing a Utah expedited licensure test will meet the necessary prerequisite.
• Registration is not complete until all prerequisites are met. Access to the course will not be issued until all requirements are met.
• Students that are employed by an electrical contractor, the contractor must be an IEC member or eligible to become an IEC member.
IEC Education of Utah is intended for students working for IEC contractors or contractors eligible to become IEC contractors. IEC Education of Utah recognizes the employer as an integral part of the apprentice training program. Employer information is requested from each student, and the student’s registration is also evidence of the student's agreement to allow the release of grade and attendance information to their employer. By participating in this program, the Student agrees to have their employer be a part of their apprentice training. If a student changes employers, the student agrees to notify IEC Education of Utah immediately in writing. Such students will be permitted to complete the semester; however, registration for future semesters is dependent on meeting continued eligibility requirements.
IEC Education of Utah’s apprentice training is available in English only. Students’ participation and interaction with instructors and staff requires students to do so in English. Students should use good communication skills (proper grammar, professionalism, etc.) when participating in discussions.
Class participation whether through online discussion or in the classroom is intended to be a professional discussion. IEC Education will not tolerate abusive, foul, or demeaning language. Violation of this policy will result in suspension and possible expulsion from the course. Postings, submissions or other material that is deemed inappropriate will be deleted and will result in a missed assignment, absence, or expulsion from the course. Inflammatory, inappropriate or abusive language or behavior in the classroom will not be tolerated.
The state of Utah requires 144 hours of instruction each year. This divides out to be approximately 6 hours each week. All students should plan on allocating at least six hours each week to their apprentice training. Sponsoring IEC member employers have a vested interest in student scores and will be granted access to student scores each semester. IEC Education of Utah works as a partner with IEC member employer sponsors to give students an opportunity to succeed in the industry and in these courses. Homework, participation, lab, and test requirements must be met. Students are REQUIRED to meet 75% of the Participation score or it will be an automatic fail of the class REGARDLESS OF OTHER SCORES.
In the online learning experience, holidays do not exist. We recognize that some weeks have holidays during the week. Students should plan accordingly. If the holiday falls on an online deadline, then students will need to complete their work early in order to comply with the deadline. Any schedule adjustments will be posted in the classroom announcements. The classroom schedule will be posted at the beginning of the semester. Major holiday schedule changes will be posted on the schedule. There may be modified requirements to accommodate the holidays.
Each week there is a participation element. Students will receive points for participation by completing the following each week:
1. Actively participating in the designated live-online (BBB) session OR watching the recorded session.
2. Completing the designated participation activity (posted discussion questions or participation quiz) for that week.
Plagiarism is defined as representing another’s work or knowledge as one’s own and is a form of cheating. Cheating in any form is not acceptable. In the case that the instructor suspects plagiarism or any other cheating, evidence of the violation will be gathered and presented to the student for explanation. Upon confirmation of violation of this policy, students will receive a fail on the assignment and will be required to appear before the chapter Apprentice & Training Committee for possible further sanctions including possible failure of the course.
Worksheet Assignments
Completion of weekly assignments is part of each student’s grade. Homework assignments will be completed and turned in online, as well as worksheets and other projects. The worksheets will be graded and results will be available to the student. The purpose for homework assignments is to reinforce the textbook reading, thus providing a solid base for future learning. All students are encouraged to make notes in the worksheets in the textbooks and write the answers in their workbooks as well as complete the online worksheets. Students in this way will be able to study their worksheets for quizzes and tests. This also becomes a backup if any questions arise as to the completion of the weekly assignment.
Hands-on Training Opportunities (Labs)
Each semester will have lab requirements. There will likely be two lab experiences each semester. These sessions will likely limit the number of participants in each session. Students need to refer to the class announcements for lab dates, sign-up sheets, and locations. Twenty percent (20%) of the students’ overall grade is based on completion of the hands-on activity assignments. Students who do not attend the in-person lab experience must complete the alternate assignment. Adjunct students may complete a lab experience at their chapter for full credit, but the chapter must report this information to us in order to record it in the class gradebook. Non-attendance, or non-completion will result in a lab score of zero. If offered, lab make-up sessions will have a $100 fee. Labs are for current IEC students only.
There will be periodic quizzes.
Tests will be 25% of the final grade. There will be a mid-term and a final exam. Students shall complete the midterm and the final test in order to receive a grade in the class. These tests are available online and will be timed. Students are responsible to be sure they have adequate time to complete each part of the test. Once the student logs in to the test, they must complete that part of the test.
The final exam for the “A” semester will be comprehensive for the semester. The final for the “B” semester is comprehensive for the year. A retake test is not available. Students will be informed of the reference materials allowed on the test.
Grading Policy
A recap of the grading method is as follows:
30% Participation
25% Assignments
25% Tests
20% Labs
Final Grade
Final grade will be issued based on the students overall score:
A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 75-79%
Hardware Requirements
As participants in IEC Education, students are required to have access to a computer with an internet connection ON A CONSISTENT BASIS (at least six hours per week). As with any computer, higher speed, more memory, greater hard disk space, and faster connection speed will improve the experience. Students are responsible for any hardware failure or data lost on their own computers.
• A broadband connection is recommended.
• The test platform is Windows 10 using Google Chrome. Most other platforms that can use google chrome browser work well. Other browsers may yield unexpected results
• A version of adobe reader (8.0 or above recommended).
• Students will be required to submit information, including but not limited to photos, scanned or faxed documents, or other digital files.
IEC Education’s licensing agreement for curriculum use requires all students to purchase a student “kit.” All Registered students shall be required to purchase the current year textbook “kit” unless other extenuating situations have been pre-approved. Book “sharing” is not allowed. Students found not purchasing a “kit” will be given the opportunity to comply or receive a failing score in the course.
Continuing Students AS WELL AS Students who have never taken a class with IEC Education, must submit a NEW registration EACH new semester.
Regular Registration period
Regular Registration for each semester will OPEN on the following days:
Fall “A” Semester only - First Monday in April
Spring “B” semester and “1A Offset”- First Monday in November
Summer “1B Offset”-First Monday in April
Regular Registration for each semester will CLOSE at 4pm twelve calendar days before the first day of the first week of classes. IEC office is closed for holidays.
Each registrant will first receive a $0.00 confirmation invoice. Tuition will not be invoiced until prerequisites are verified by IEC Education of Utah. Fall Semester Students will not be invoiced until after July 1.
Late Registration
Late registration will OPEN the Wednesday prior to week 1 of school and will CLOSE at 4pm the Wednesday of week 1. Late registration is subject to a $100.00 late fee that must be paid at the time of tuition payment.
Payment deadline and enrollment completion
Tuition and book purchases must be paid on or before 4PM on Wednesday of the second week of school, failure to do so will result in you being dropped from the class.
New Students with out of state transcripts
New Students attempting to register with IEC Education of Utah and have out-of-state transcripts that need to be reviewed in order to meet the prerequisite for your class, you must provide a copy of your transcripts showing letter grades for each semester AND a copy of the syllabus of the course. Out of state transcripts are subject to review by IEC Education of Utah may require additional information from you. This process can take up two weeks to complete. Please send transcripts to transcripts@iecofutah.com.
Contractor Discount - IEC Contractor Duties
Approximately two weeks before the regular registration period opens, IEC member contractors will be given a list of employees who are current students of record in order to verify discount eligibility of students. Contractors shall mark adjustments to the provided list and submit to IEC via info@iecofutah.com email. One week after registration opens or the first Monday in July for Fall Semester, IEC will invoice contractor-member students who have completed all prerequisite steps of registration with the appropriate discount amount. Contractors can make adjustments to the list up until the first day of the first week of class. Employee roster changes after that date are NOT eligible for discount for that semester. Employee status can be communicated to IEC Education and will be reflected on the next semester list. IEC Education will NOT make refunds for tuition if we are notified after the first day of the first week of class.
IEC Contractor must be in good standing with IEC of Utah in order for their students to receive discounts on tuition and books. Students are invoiced individually, but IEC Contractors can “pledge to pay” for specific students who have been invoiced.by identifying in writing which student(s) the contractor will pay. Students in a “Pledge to pay” status will receive access to the class on the first Monday of school but are subject to being dropped from the class and will receive a failing grade if payment in full is not met by Wednesday of the second week of school.
Contractors who make a bulk book purchase will be given a 10% discount on books and must identify by name the students for whom the books are purchased. Book invoices are due on the first day of the first week of school. Book purchases for late registrations are due on receipt.
Books purchased directly by students for will-call pickup and / or books shipped directly to students will be charged regular price. If the student purchases books individually through the website shopping cart, they are NOT ELIGIBLE for the contractor book discount. No refund will be issued for the discount amount.
Refund Policy - Books
Book kits that are unopened or that have been opened but have not been used (written in, highlighted, ect.) and still have the box are eligible for 100% refund less credit card fees. Books must be returned before January 15 or they will not be refunded. Books that have been opened and used (written in, highlighted, ect.) will receive no refund or returns. Book kits that are open but missing the original box are accepted or denied on a case by case basis with refund amounts varying.
Refund Policy - Tuition
Full refund (less any credit card fees if applicable) will be given prior to first log in to the class. After the first log in to the class and during the first week, the student is eligible for a partial refund as follows: Eighty percent (80%) of the tuition paid will be refunded during week one. Fifty percent (50%) of the tuition paid will be refunded if requested during week two. No tuition will be refunded if the request is made after 4pm Wednesday of week two. A request for refund must be made in writing via email to info@iecofutah.com. Any refunds will be less any credit card transaction fees if applicable and may take up to 15 calendar days from date of the notification to process.
Adjunct instructor chapter and student information
IEC Education of Utah performs as an adjunct instructor for IEC chapters wanting this service. Students from another chapter area must meet all prerequisites and requirements of their chapter. The student will register directly with the appropriate chapter and the chapter arranges the adjunct relationship. The chapter maintains all registration and certificate information for the adjunct student. In addition, the chapter can provide hands-on lab requirements for their students. IEC Education of Utah will provide instruction lectures, monitor homework scores, provide online testing and an alternate lab experience. Adjunct chapters should communicate with their students any additional requirements. Adjunct students should understand that they are responsible for all homework and online participation requirements of the instructor. They are NOT required to attend Utah in-person labs; instead they are required to meet the chapter’s lab instructions.
IEC chapters who choose to have IEC Education of Utah perform as an adjunct instructor, must provide a list of student names, email addresses and phone numbers to IEC Education no later than ten business days before the first Monday of school. Late registration will open the Wednesday of week 1 of school and will end the Wednesday of week 2. Late registration is subject to a $100.00 late fee that must be met at the time of tuition payment.
Adjunct chapters will be billed for tuition on the first day of the first week of class. Adjunct students are subject to being dropped from the class and will receive a failing grade if tuition payment in full is not met by Wednesday of the second week of school.
Continuing Education
Students passing at least one course in the license-renewal period will have 16 hours of credit uploaded to Utah DOPL for continuing education. Students enrolled and having an overall score above 50% active in the fall semester during a license renewal year will also receive CE credit. The CE credit will be uploaded before the renewal deadline. Students holding multiple licenses must inform the IEC Education office by October 1 of the renewal year to receive credit for multiple licenses. Students are responsible to make sure their license number is correct in their profile shown in the student registration portal.